Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kraxberger Phones By Cally Bresaw

Is having cell phones at lunch and recess a cellular overrun or electronic fun? In my opinion I think that the students of Kraxberger middle should be allowed to use electronic devises at lunch with parent permission, but unfortunately it isn't up to me or any of the students at Kraxberger.
 I know most of the students would agree that we should have phones at recess but there are people that don’t want this to work out. Not because they don’t want us to enjoy them at school but for the better good of this particular situation. “Kids already get bullied at school with us knowing, now imagine if they could do it at school secretly.” This is a good point being made by Ms. Chambers. Ms. Smith also had a very similar opinion. “Some students aren't going to want pictures of them taken during school or at all and if they are taking pictures of one another it could get posted on the internet or could be held against the students.”
If this end up as an option it would occur only at lunch or at recess. Ms. Smith also stated that if students were allowed to use electronics at lunch they might think its okay to bring them into the classroom.
Some people don’t want this to work out because of bullying and others don’t want it to work out because of destruction of property. Each student would have to get approval from his or her parents because if something gets broken Kraxberger may be responsible for the replacement and that would not be good. What do you think should this be an option for Kraxberger middle school? 

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