Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas By Jalisa Lopez

 Why is Christmas such a big holiday? It’ show they celebrate, their beliefs, and traditions
  First of all who is the jolly man dressed in red and full of joy is Santa Claus. Santa Claus is man said to go around the world to deliver present to nice children naughty kids get coal with his reindeer and a sled that helps him fly through night.

Usually peoples favorite parts of Christmas is decorating the tree with family or getting presents but Christmas is much more than that.

Christmas is really about celebrating the day Jesus was born and to be thankful for your family and friends. We like to do special things like exchange gifts to show love and thanks. That’s what Christmas is really about.

 Next people celebrate Christmas in many ways some of people’s favorite is decorating. Weather it’s the tree to the cookies we all love decorating the top favorites were decorating tree making cookies and wrapping presents .

Get ready for Christmas on December 25.  

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