Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Kraxberger Phones By Cally Bresaw

Is having cell phones at lunch and recess a cellular overrun or electronic fun? In my opinion I think that the students of Kraxberger middle should be allowed to use electronic devises at lunch with parent permission, but unfortunately it isn't up to me or any of the students at Kraxberger.
 I know most of the students would agree that we should have phones at recess but there are people that don’t want this to work out. Not because they don’t want us to enjoy them at school but for the better good of this particular situation. “Kids already get bullied at school with us knowing, now imagine if they could do it at school secretly.” This is a good point being made by Ms. Chambers. Ms. Smith also had a very similar opinion. “Some students aren't going to want pictures of them taken during school or at all and if they are taking pictures of one another it could get posted on the internet or could be held against the students.”
If this end up as an option it would occur only at lunch or at recess. Ms. Smith also stated that if students were allowed to use electronics at lunch they might think its okay to bring them into the classroom.
Some people don’t want this to work out because of bullying and others don’t want it to work out because of destruction of property. Each student would have to get approval from his or her parents because if something gets broken Kraxberger may be responsible for the replacement and that would not be good. What do you think should this be an option for Kraxberger middle school? 

GHS Football By Max Meyer

Hi my name is Max Meyer. I am covering the sports page. It’s on the GHS varsity football team. I am intervening the re first play off game. Let’s see how they do.
So hears the time, the date, the weather, and ware the game will be. Kickoff is at 7:00pm on Friday the 8 of November. The weather is cold and cloudy. The game is at Gladstone.
       Also Gladstone will play Siuslaw. The end score of the game is Gladstone 29 Siuslew 9. Gladstone won yaaaaaaaaaaa.
       This game is important so they can go to state then to the state finals without losing then they will be the best in the state.
  There are 51 players on the Gladstone team. There are 31players on the Siuslew. That means 82 players in all.
        Their next game is in Falmouth agents Falmouth. 

Christmas By Jalisa Lopez

 Why is Christmas such a big holiday? It’ show they celebrate, their beliefs, and traditions
  First of all who is the jolly man dressed in red and full of joy is Santa Claus. Santa Claus is man said to go around the world to deliver present to nice children naughty kids get coal with his reindeer and a sled that helps him fly through night.

Usually peoples favorite parts of Christmas is decorating the tree with family or getting presents but Christmas is much more than that.

Christmas is really about celebrating the day Jesus was born and to be thankful for your family and friends. We like to do special things like exchange gifts to show love and thanks. That’s what Christmas is really about.

 Next people celebrate Christmas in many ways some of people’s favorite is decorating. Weather it’s the tree to the cookies we all love decorating the top favorites were decorating tree making cookies and wrapping presents .

Get ready for Christmas on December 25.  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bullying By: Sophia Gustafson

        To begin with, who disagrees with bullying? I definitely do. Kraxberger Middle School does. As a rule this school is a bully free zone. Like the golden rule, "Treat others the way you want to be treated."
        Second of all, when is bullying happening? I think bullying is happening outside of school, passing period, lunch, recess, and after school. Also at lunch and in classes.
        Third of all, the question people all want to know, why do people bully? People bully maybe because they think they look cool, its amusement to them, they may not have much friends, and their parents don’t give them enough attention. The people who are bullying need to stop.
        Fourth of all, where is the bullying happening? We all think its happening in the hallways of the school and outside of the school. Outside in the field or behind the school. It could be happening by P.E rooms or passing by classrooms.

        People may not know what bullying is. Bullying is when people are being pushed around and teased. And that is not okay. So do u disagree with bullying or not?

High Rocks By:Baylee Ausmus

Do you think that High Rocks in Gladstone Oregon can be dangerous? If you do (or even of you don’t) I would strongly suggest you read this article.
            To start, there has been a recent worry about high rocks. It is believed to be dangerous because people are jumping off of the rocks and hitting their heads on the rocks below, receiving major injuries, and some are dying. Also, the undertow and currents are bringing people that even know how to swim down, causing them to drown.
            I have been given many ideas on how to solve this issue. No Alcoholic Beverages, More Lifeguards, Paramedics in the area, and a license to swim are some ideas that have been out there. Some people are with this, and some people are against it.
            After looking further into this topic, I have found that while the rocks are open to the public, the lifeguards are on a strict working period. People visit the rocks after hours while there are no lifeguards present. Someone could get seriously injured without help.
            Though it is public property for the most part, I think there should be a closing and opening time that is highly enforced. The dangers of high rocks are exactly that, they’re rocks that are up really high at an odd angle, making it so you’d have to jump out really far to actually get into the water instead of landing on the rocks below.
            There are many reasons that this worry is important, and I hope you think so too.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

YMCA- By Andrew Pulsipher

Have you ever been to a YMCA? Do you want one in your city of Gladstone? Gladstone needs a family friendly place for kids and adults to go. There would be a basketball court, weight room, tennis court, and swimming pool ect.
The city of Gladstone could do fund raiser to fund the cost of the YMCA building. The YMCA building would be in Gladstone Oregon. People could go for a work out or a fun and even just to cool off in the pool. Kids could go and have a pick up game of basketball. Everyone would be allowed to go as long as you had a membership.

Dress Code: Is School a Place for Fashion? By: Skylar McLeod

Whether you’re a girl or boy, everyone is affected by ‘what or what not’ to wear. And so the question remains, what is wrong with the Dress Code?
            First of all, no matter who you are in school, there’s a dress code. Some people may even be thinking “What’s the dress code?” And that’s a good question. On average, shirts should not be sleeveless. And shorts should be at least mid thigh. Yet some people choose to ignore it, wearing tank tops and short shorts. They want to be able to wear what they want. To express themselves through fashion. But are they showing too much skin?
            Generally speaking, most people in school understand that you should respect yourself, and the rules. That showing too much skin leads to name calling or loss of respect. Even if it is comfortable, everyone should know what’s ok, and what’s going too far. While also respecting and following the rules, even if you don’t completely agree with them.
            Restating, the dress code affects both genders, but in different ways. Yet the most types of people who seem to be disobeying the rules are girls. For example, I’ve never seen a boy walking around in yoga pants or short skirts. Girls just seem to be wearing not enough clothing, or clothes that are easy to see through, like lace or thin layers.
            We see lack of clothing in school, and all around the world. Of course, you can wear whatever you want at home, but in school, we have rules. Rules of which students should either follow, or talk to a teacher about your opinion on it, or why we have it. You should always confront a teacher about any questions you have, rather than go on about life disobeying a rule.
            In summary, I’m not saying we have to have uniforms, but there is things we can do to make sure we follow the rules. One example is wearing long sleeved shirts under your tank top. Or, leggings under your shorts. It’s comfortable, stylish, and not breaking any rules. What I’m saying, is there are ways to look great and wear what you want, all while also following the rules. This is what we should be doing, instead of showing off all our skin and disobeying the dress code, for there are always alternatives.

Dogs in Kraxberger- By Cloe Storer

           As a rule, Kraxberger doesn't allow dogs in school. Why won’t they allow this? Many people have asked. They don’t allow this because they feel it brings a distraction to the classroom. Also some students may have allergies from dogs, or do not want to spend most of their day near a dog.
          As usual, most people want this to happen because they think it would be fun to play with the dog, and pet the dog. I asked people in my power time class, do you think our school should allow dogs in classrooms? Seventeen of them answered yes, and three of them answered no. I think it would be fun to have a dog in the class, so I would want this to happen at Kraxberger.

          As you can see, many people want to have dogs in classrooms. Where as some others are either allergic to dogs, think it’s going to be a distraction or just don’t like dogs, don’t want our school to allow it.       

The Offensive Line-Written by Noah Zollin

Written by Noah Zollin
The offensive line can make success for your team and much better offense. But when they can’t block it can make your season bitter.
       For a 0-8 season we did ok but the source of our awful season was by our 5 man in front the line. In bad blowouts it’s all of our faults but in a tight game they get tired and they quit their job to block. If they blocked we could do better.      If they helped we could have at least 3 wins. Also our QB’S wouldn’t have to do a 13 yard drop back and our running game we would have many touchdowns. But we can’t run the outside or we would get blown up so we would have to run in the middle for 2 yards. Like the 2006 season of the Detroit lions they had a horrible 0-16 season because of their line.
In the practice they do awesome but under pressure they can’t or do anything. Sometimes they are on top of their game and mostly not. The one game we got blown out was by their fault.
         Some of our coaches are tired of them not blocking. But all of it is not all of their fault but the question is can they block?